Our Vibrant Aquarium Fish

Criteria for Choosing Your Fish
For each aquarium leasing package, we select specific fish based on two main criteria:
- They’re native to the same area of the world as the other fish.
- They get along with one another.
We also make sure you have a healthy balance of small, medium, and large fish. Overloading an aquarium with all large fish can cause issues such as:
- The fish will become aggressive toward each other.
- Too many fish, or too large of fish, can overwhelm the aquarium’s water and cleaning systems.
- Large amounts of waste will accumulate, contaminate the water, and make all the fish sick.
Keeping Peace in the Aquarium
The proper ratio of fish sizes keeps peace in the aquarium. We’ll track the sizes and temperaments of the fish to make sure they’re healthy and getting along.
And as your fish grow, we’ll continually rotate them to the appropriate sizes. This will maintain the proper balance for your selected service level.
Keep scrolling to see our most popular exotic fish!
Some of our
Exotic Fish
Each package includes a variety of fish based on their compatibility with one another. Their vibrancy creates a wonderful array of color and character. Below is a sampling of some of our stunning fish!

Yellow Lab

Eureka Red Jake


Ob Peacock

Electric Blue Ahli

Redfin Borleyi

Red Empress

Plecostomus (Algae Eater)

Featured Showcase Fish

It’s not just their impressive size or elaborate fins that make these showcase fish so popular. “Fronts” as they are affectionately known, also have an unusually long life span of over 25 years and have quite unique personalities!
Blood Parrot
This rare, magnificent showcase fish got its name because of its large parrot-like mouth. Blood parrots have an endearing way of moving about the tank and are very intelligent and responsive to people. They can easily recognize and respond to individuals differently. A great addition to any aquarium!

Leopard Cat Fish
These small fish grow only between two and a half and three inches long. The Leopard Cat Fish has distinct brown or gold coloring overlaid with black or dark brown spots. This fish is relatively small, very peaceful, and it consumes algae, making it a great fish to have in a populated aquarium.
Fish Sizes
The illustrations below are meant to give you a feel for the size of our showcase, large, medium, and small fish. Keep in mind, that these pictures are not full-size—the real fish are much larger than shown in the picture.
Please use the ruler and the hand in each picture to gain a point of reference as to how big the fish will be.




Aquarium Package Considerations
“Can I start with a Deluxe aquarium package and wait for the fish to get larger so I can get a Premium package for the price of Deluxe?” The answer is unfortunately no.
The difference in package price has more to do with how often we come for fish tank services.
The more fish— and the larger the fish—the more services are needed to keep them healthy. One large fish can equal 15–20 small fish in overall mass. This also means they produce a disproportionate amount of waste.
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